Our online career fair will provide the same benefits as a physical career fair! With virtual career booths and real time chat, you and candidates will experience a sophisticated job fair simulation that enables real-time interaction between recruiters and candidates. Our fair will be open to #TEACH teacher candidates as well as the general public state-wide and nationwide! Because the internet has no borders, this will enable you to find top talent while facilitating a better job hunt experience for potential candidates.
From tablets and smartphones to desktops, your candidates will have access to the career fair at the palms of their hands. Let your candidates get the best experience -- anytime, anywhere.
What's more, you will experience COST SAVINGS! No travel costs, no booth decoration costs, no food costs, no costs for company collateral and no costs for promotional items. Play the video below for more details!

#TEACH Virtual Job Fair
April 23, 2020
(online link will be sent to paid registrants)
Pay nothing now! Hold your spot by
completing the no obligation RSVP today!!
(RSVP will hold your spot until the payment due date)